来源:中国思维训练智库 作者:佚名
There are two types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. 有两种不同的思维形态:停滞型思维和成长型思维。 In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change. These people document their intelligence and talents rather than working to develop and improve them. They also believe that talent alone leads to success, and effort is not required. 停滞型思维的人通常认为自己的特性是固定不变。他们记录自己的才能和天赋,而不是通过努力来获取进步和提升。他们还认为天赋是一个人取得成功的唯一决定因素,与努力无关。 Alternatively, in a growth mindset, people have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. When people believe they can get smarter, they realize that their effort has an effect on their success, so they put in extra time, leading to higher achievement. 相反,成长型思维的人潜意识里相信一个人的学习能力和才智可以随着时间和经验而增长。当一个人相信自己可以越来越聪慧时,他也就相信努力可以带来成功。因此他会投入更多的时间到工作中,最终达成更高的成就。 People with a fixed mindset always want to appear intelligent because they believe that they were born with a fixed level of intelligence that cannot be modified. These people have a fear of looking dumb to people because they do not believe that they can redeem themselves once other people look at them as being unintelligent. 停滞型思维的人通常会想表现自己很聪明,原因是他们认为自己的才智从出生时就已经确定,不能被更改。因此这些人会害怕旁人认为自己不够聪明。他们不相信在别人认为自己“不够聪慧”的情况下,依然可以通过努力去谋求改变。 In a growth mindset, however, students believe their abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence. Their basic abilities are simply a starting point for their potential. They don't believe everyone is the same, but they hold onto the idea that everyone can become smarter if they try. 而成长型思维的学生则相信自己的能力和才智可以通过努力、学习和坚持获得进步。基本能力仅仅是未来无限潜能的出发点。他们相信人人生而不同,但都可以通过努力成为更加聪慧的自己。 How to develop a growth mindset? 如何培养成长型思维? 01 Acknowledge and embrace your weaknesses 了解并接纳自己的弱点 Maybe you know that you are lazy and tend to put things off until the last minute. Try to plan around that by making modest goals and giving yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish them. 也许你知道自己总是犯懒,容易把工作拖到最后一刻。但是你可以从尝试制定容易执行的目标开始,为自己留出合理的时间去完成任务。 02 View challenges as opportunities 视挑战为机遇 The truth is, staying in your comfort zone because you are scared to venture out can become uncomfortable. If you avoid challenges, you will not be provided with opportunities to learn and grow. 事实是,仅仅由于自己惧怕探索就停留在舒适圈中不是一件好事。逃避挑战,也就意味着失去一个个学习和成长的机会。 Taking on these challenges is a big part of developing as a person. The more we challenge ourselves, the more opportunities we have to learn about ourselves. New challenges equal new opportunities. 接受挑战是一个人自身发展的重要一环。当我们越多地挑战自身,对自己的了解也就更加深入。新挑战就等于新机遇。 03 Know your learning style and use the right learning strategies 了解自身的学习方式,并通过正确的策略加以应用 If you are able to identify the best ways that you learn, you can optimize your time while researching or attending classes. 找到自己的最佳学习方式,便可以在开展研究和上课过程中充分利用自己的时间。 04 Prioritize learning over seeking approval 注重学习,而非寻求认可 When you are more concerned about getting approval from other people than about learning new things, you are giving up your own potential to grow. 当你总是关注自己是否被别人认可而非注重学习新事物时,你便放弃了成长的潜力。 Don't worry about what other people think about you, and instead focus on bettering yourself for your own benefit. 别在意别人怎么看你,集中注意力提升自己。 05 Focus on the process instead of the end result 注重过程而非结果 People who have a growth mindset understand that any growth is going to be a process. It is important to enjoy the learning process so you are able to get the most out of it, and be open to the process continuing beyond the expected time frame. 成长型思维的人懂得一个道理:任何成长都需要一个过程。懂得享受学习的过程才能将学习成果最大化。并且要接纳超过预期计划的事情发生。 06 Learn to give and receive constructive criticism 学会给予并接受建设性意见 Think of criticism as a way to learn. If you have an area of weakness and someone is able to point that out to you, think of it as a gift that makes you aware of your faults so you can focus on them to improve. 将批评看作是学习的一种途径。当有人指出你的缺点时,要将它看成一种“礼物”。看到缺点才能重点改正。 07 Never stop learning 学无止境 Growth-minded people are able to continue to create new goals so they stay motivated and interested in the subjects that they choose to study. Learning is never finished, as there is always another goal to reach or more research to be done. 成长型思维的人会不断为自己制定新目标,以此来激励自己,对已选择的领域保持兴趣。学无止境,总有下一个目标需要完成,总有更多研究需要进行。